Linggo, Mayo 31, 2015

Trial halted as Kartoon defence attorney arrested after warrant discovery

That's why you're the 'judge' and I'm the 'law-talking' guy

The trial of a man accused of fraudulently purchasing more than 150 fondleslabs was halted in San Francisco Bay's Redwood City last week when the judge learned that the defence attorney had not only an inactive law license, but also a warrant for his arrest on drug and theft charges.…

Cloud Foundry takes first steps into Azure

Preview available no, beta real soon now, then …. wake me up when it's live, okay?

Microsoft's promise to make Azure Cloud Foundry-friendly has become concrete. A bit.…

US anti-terror spying powers expire

US anti-terror provisions that allow security services to bulk collect phone data expire after the Senate fails to reach a deal.

Parts of Patriot Act Expire Tonight After Senate Fails to Pass Reform

Parts of Patriot Act Expire Tonight After Senate Fails to Pass Reform

US senators failed to pass a bill tonight that would reform one of the NSA’s most controversial surveillance programs. Without it, sections of the Patriot Act expire at midnight.

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Veeam's plan: Ignore MBA marketers, don't covet magazine covers

And don't panic about the cloud, because every platform has gaps that need tools says CEO Ratmir Timashev

Most CEOs give little away in interviews: they stick to the script and deliver information in easily-digestible chunks.…

Airbus conmfirms software brought down A400M transport plane

Badly-configured software, that is, not badly-written software

Airbus has confirmed the crash that stalled its A400M program was caused by engine control software.…

UK banks launch Fifa payment reviews

UK banks Barclays and Standard Chartered have begun internal reviews into whether they were used for corrupt payments by Fifa officials, the BBC understands.

This Sweet Retro-Futuristic Tech Is Gonna Set You Back

This Sweet Retro-Futuristic Tech Is Gonna Set You Back

These beautiful handcrafted arcade cabinets, computers, and gadgets are made by a one-man studio in Sweden.

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'You wanted Silk Road to be your legacy. And it is. Now enjoy your life behind bars'

Plus: Who taught the killbots how to jump?

QuoTW  This was the week we made chips out of wood, watched a $37bn merger break out and killed each other's iPhones just for fun.…

Will Computers Redefine the Roots of Math?

Will Computers Redefine the Roots of Math?

When a legendary mathematician found a mistake in his own work, he embarked on a computer-aided quest to eliminate human error. To succeed, he has to rewrite the century-old rules underlying all of mathematics.

The post Will Computers Redefine the Roots of Math? appeared first on WIRED.

What does it take to find the Antikythera Mechanism? Underwater robots, of course!

Meet the chap behind the controls

I worked on ...  A few days from now, Christian Lees will be in the Greek islands, sunning himself on the deck of a colossal private yacht. Staff on the yacht will prepare his meals, even do his laundry.…

The rare metals debate: Only trace elements of sanity found

Know what a mineral reserve is? No. There's your problem

Worstall @ the Weekend  The scene is an early morning current affairs radio show. Very important people talk to the nation here.…

Sabado, Mayo 30, 2015

Prince William issues appeal to Fifa

The Duke of Cambridge has urged world football body Fifa to "show that it can represent the interests of fair play and put the sport first".

War Clouds Over South China Sea As U.S. Declares Right To Waters And U.S. Warship Arrives At Subic

The drumbeat of war on distant horizons is reverberating through Southeast Asia with increasingly strong declarations of U.S. determination to stop the Chinese from expanding their writ over the South China Sea, notably islands claimed by the Philippines, Vietnam, Malaysia and Brunei. While Defense Secretary Ashton Carter was in Singapore vowing [...]

It's not over 'til Saturn's squidgy moon sings: Cassini probe set for final Hyperion fly-by

Astroboffins hope to spot different terrain this time around

NASA's Cassini spacecraft is expected to complete its final close encounter with Hyperion, one of Saturn's many moons, on Sunday.…

Fifa chief downplays US indictment

Re-elected Fifa president Sepp Blatter plays down US criminal proceedings launched against officials of world football's governing body.

A Short History of Unnecessarily Terrifying Toy Patents

A Short History of Unnecessarily Terrifying Toy Patents

Google is only the latest company to patent a terrifying, high-tech toy.

The post A Short History of Unnecessarily Terrifying Toy Patents appeared first on WIRED.

Biyernes, Mayo 29, 2015

Silk Road drug site founder jailed

Ross Ulbricht, the founder of online illegal drug marketplace the Silk Road, is sentenced to life in prison.

Unmasking hidden Tor service users is too easy, say infosec bods

Better to be more open on .onion, apparently

Security researchers speaking at the Hack in the Box conference in Amsterdam this week have demonstrated that users of hidden services on Tor are putting themselves at risk of being identified – if an attacker is willing to put in the time and resources.…

Silk Road boss Ross Ulbricht to spend LIFE in PRISON without parole

Judge: 'You wanted it to be your legacy. And it is'

Convicted Silk Road kingpin Ross Ulbricht has been sentenced to life in prison without parole.…

The Silk Road Saga Is Way More Than a Crime Story

The Silk Road Saga Is Way More Than a Crime Story

The Silk Road story turned out to be much more than a crime narrative.

The post The Silk Road Saga Is Way More Than a Crime Story appeared first on WIRED.

The US Tried to Stuxnet North Korea’s Nuclear Program

The US Tried to Stuxnet North Korea’s Nuclear Program

Stuxnet had a fraternal twin that was designed to attack North Korea’s nuclear program.

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